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Mahama blasts JAK over number of ministers

Tue, 29 Oct 2002 Source: Chronicle

THE LEADER of the People's National Convention (PNC), Dr Edward Mahama, has asserted that President Kuffuor was wrong in pleading that the magnitude of the work on government necessitated the appointment of more ministers just as the NDC did.

Dr. Mahama, who was his party flag bearer in the last presidential election made the argument in a chat with Chronicle at his party headquarters in Accra recently.

Referring to President Kufour's famous confession that, when they were in opposition the NPP criticized the then government wrongly about the number of ministers they had, the PNC leader maintained that the number is still very large; therefore, the president is wrong just as the NDC was.

According to Dr. Mahama, what the nation needs, considering the economic constraints facing the nation, is a lean, thrifty government. Explaining further, he stressed that a lean thrifty government is the kind that is miserly with the taxpayer's money; an administration that is not spending the tax- payers money lavishly just as the NDC did which the NPP is continuing now.

He stressed that in a country of 18 million people, 77 ministers is counter- productive. He added that the nation does not need more than 30ministers to run the country productively and efficiently.

The PNC leader reiterated his conviction that, 'if I assume the presidency, the masses will see that I have reduced the ministers down to sizeable level and still run the country efficiently, because efficiency is not the same as having many people,' he added He called on the president to create institutions and systems that will facilitate efficiency and productivity rather than bring more ministers on board.

Touching on another controversial issue that has generated a lot of debate in public, the privatization of water, Dr. Mahama who takes his political inspiration from Nkrumah's socialist ideology that believes in state ownership, asserted that he is not amused that the NPP government is bent on divesting viable enterprises owned by the state because they believe in the philosophy of property owning.

Even in America, which is regarded as the front-runner in capitalism, the various states make provision for basic commodities like water and shelter for the people virtually freely, Mahama noted, citing Chicago as an example.

He contended that the government's policy of private sector participation in water delivery is wrong.

Dr. Mahama, known in political circles as 'two sure, two direct' asserted that come 2004 he would emerge the winner to enable him bring the proper change that the masses are yearning for, "because it looks as if the driver has changed but the vehicle is the same," comparing the policies of both the NDC and NPP.

Asked to comment on the 15 years sentence slapped on Hajia Baby Occansey who is a known PNC sympathizer, he stated that since he is aspiring to become president of the land, he does not want to be seen as disregarding the court.

In any case her lawyer has indicated that they are to appeal against the sentence, he noted.

Source: Chronicle