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Mahama inaugurates Bomaa Polyclinic

Mahama 2014 Eid President John Dramani Mahama

Sat, 27 Jun 2015 Source: GNA

President John Dramani Mahama on Friday inaugurated the Bomaa Polyclinic in the Tano North District of Brong-Ahafo Region.

The occasion marked the last leg of his two-day working visit to the Region where he inaugurated a small town water system projects at Fententaa in the Berekum Municipality as well as Ntotroso in the Asutifi North and Kajeji in the Sene West Districts.

The two polyclinics are among three others at Techimantia in the Tano South, Kwatire in the Sunyani West and Nkrankwanta in the Dormaa West Districts, and were funded by Austria at the total cost of 8,650,000 Euros.

President Mahama in response to an appeal by Barima Kwafo Akoto II, Chief of Bomaa, at a durbar of the chiefs and people announced that the town forms part of a project to facelift roads in cocoa growing communities under Ghana Cocoa Roads Rehabilitation programme.

Mr Eric Opoku, Regional Minister said under the regime of President Mahama, socio-economic developments in Tano North had improved tremendously, citing among others construction of educational and health infrastructure.

Mr Opoku therefore appealed to the electorate to renew the mandate of President Mahama in Election 2016 for more development projects.

Dr Yakubu Bayayinah, an out-going District Director of Ghana Health Services in the Tano North told Ghana News Agency in an interview that the polyclinic, would serve 26 towns and villages including Subonpan and Dwenase.

Source: GNA