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Mahama lashes out at Ken Agyapong

Former President John Mahama Dramani Mahama Former President John Dramani Mahama

Sat, 21 Sep 2019 Source:

Former President John Dramani Mahama has taken on Member of Parliament for Assin Central Constituency Kennedy Ohene Agyapong over the lawmaker’s allegations that he had knowledge of the murder of J.B. Danquah Adu.

Mr Agyapong alleged on Net 2 Television that the late Abuakwa North MP had naked pictures of Mr Mahama prior to his murder on February 9, 2016.

But Mr Mahama’s Special Aide, Joyce Bawah Mogtari, on Saturday issued a statement at the instruction of the immediate past president to deny the claims by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) MP.

“While [former] President Mahama does not intend to lend any dignity to the usual rants of Kennedy Agyapong, I am instructed to deny all the claims he made on his tv station, seeking as always to denigrate the person and reputation of the former president,” Ms Mogtari said in the statement.

“There is no iota of truth in the allegations,” she stressed, “they are complete fabrications and figment of fevered imaginations.”

She noted how Mr Agyapong has tried “all these years” to denigrate Mr Mahama but has not brought out “such information” since NPP came to power in 2017.

“This is the same person who over the years has made similar scurrilous allegations against other persons he has accused with the same offence.

“Where did this new information he claims to have, come from?” she quizzed.

She said Mr Mahama is focused on outlining an “alternative” and “sincere” government to that of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, which she said has been characterized with high cost of living, job losses, collapsing businesses, among others.

“Therefore, Mr. Agyapong and his party should concentrate their energies on dealing with these problems and stop trying to divert attention.”

The former Deputy Transport Minister urged Ghanaians to treat the “vituperations” of Mr Agyapong with the contempt it deserves.
