
Mahama should keep quiet and work - Ken Kuranchie

Ken Kuranchie Tv3

Tue, 26 Nov 2013 Source:

Ken Kuranchie, Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Searchlight has sought to remind President John Mahama of his roots before he assumed the highest office of the land.

Speaking on Oman FM, the newspaper editor slammed President Mahama over his recent calls on public and political commentators not to use the radio to address their concerns to government.

Delivering a speech as the Guest of honour at the 120th celebration of the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra, President John Dramani Mahama told his critics to table their concerns to him without resorting to the media.

He noted that "if we must build a better and prosperous nation, all of us need to come together and act in concert." “…It doesn’t pay to vent our frustration on radio talk show programmes. The quest to build a desirous, prosperous and better Ghana is the responsibility of all of us," he added.

Addressing the issue on Monday’s edition of "National Agenda" on Oman FM, Ken Kuranchie called on the president not to forget his roots as a communicator. He expounded that the President utilized his "talking" ability to attain his position and influence in the nation.

To him, in all the life of the President "his major contribution to Ghana has been through his mouth and talking. That has been his principal contribution" and so wondered why he would today seem threatened by comments made by people via the media platform.

"Why on earth would anybody (President Mahama) who built his reputation and built his entire political career on his ability to talk begin to blame others for talking too much?” Ken questioned the President.

According to him, the President should concentrate on building a better Ghana for the citizenry and leave his critics to steer him onto the right track. "Our President is not a lawyer. He’s not an Architect. He’s not a farmer. His entire life has been built on how well he can talk...If you do not have problems with the SUBAN contract; if you do not have problems with the judgment debt that has gone on, if you do not have problems with GYEEDA and the many things that have gone wrong and continue to go wrong in our society; I cannot understand how you can have problems with the people who criticize some of these things that have taken place,” he replied.
