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Man Jailed 3 Years For Incest

Tue, 5 Nov 2002 Source: GNA

Cape Coast -- Emmanuel Twintoh, a 41-year-old farmer, from Abreshia near Elmina, who repeatedly had sex with his 25-year-old daughter, now three months pregnant, was yesterday jailed three years for incest by a circuit tribunal at Cape Coast.

Twintoh, who pleaded guilty to the charge, blamed his action on the devil and pleaded for leniency.

Chief Inspector Hope Azasoo, the prosecutor, told the tribunal presided over by Mr Charles Quist that the victim was married but lived with her parents.

He said sometime in September this year, Twintoh had sex with the victim, while she was asleep in the hall.

The girl though expressed her disapproval about her father’s behaviour failed to inform anyone about it.

Chief Insp Azasoo said Twintoh took advantage of his daughter’s silence and had sex with her again on October 18 when her mother left for church.

According to the prosecutor, the victim’s husband had a vision that his father-in-law was sexually abusing his wife and confronted her when she visited him.

She confessed and reported the matter to the elders of the family, who also lodged a report to the police, after the convict confessed the crime before them, Inspector Azasoo added.

Source: GNA