
"Man of God" condemns Easter

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, March 17, GNA- The President of the Nigerian-based God's Kingdom Society (GKS), Brother O. E. Aighalua, on Sunday condemned fasting and other penal activities by Christians during the time of lent.

He noted that it is the not a command of God for Christians to subject themselves to pointless and fruitless self-affliction in the name of observing the death Christ.

The leader of KGS, also known as the Church of the Living God with headquarters in Warri, said the Bible did not support compulsory fasting and disfiguring of faces to show that one was fasting. He was speaking at a special Thanksgiving Service to dedicate a new set of musical instruments for the KGS Service Hall at Akoto Lante, near James Town in Accra.

Brother Aighalua stressed: "If one wants to fast at all, it should be voluntary, personal and private, following the guideline given by Jesus Christ in Matthew 6:16-18."

He observed that there is nothing like Ash Wednesday in the Bible and condemned the annual celebration as contrary to the Scriptures. The GKS President explained that Christianity should have nothing to do with Easter due to its pagan origin.

Brother Aighalua said the term "Good Friday" was a misnomer, since that day was good only to the wicked Jews and not to the disciples of Christ who "mourned and wept" at the death of the of the Saviour. He spoke against the use of the cross as the symbol of Christianity, stating that Christ was not killed on the cross but on a tree and supported his claim with Biblical quotations. Brother Aighalua said the 40 days period of fasting from Ash Wednesday to Easter "has no biblical basis in relation to Christ's death and resurrection" and "it serves no purpose spending 40 days for the purpose of penitence when Christ has finished his work and is now glorified".

The 40 days he said: "Could not be of significance to Christians since believers are not asked to fast or afflict themselves every year in remembrance of Christ's sufferings or agony before his death and resurrection."

Brother Aighalua recalled the statement of Jesus Christ to his disciples in Bible: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, that ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy. And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you".

He said Since Jesus Christ was now alive and with his people in spirit it was pointless for Christians to fast and mourn to remember his passion.

Brother Aighalua explained that the type of fasting which is more important is not necessarily abstinence from food but the "practice of righteousness at all times as contained in Isaiah 58: 3-11 and Psalm 106:3". 17 March 08

Source: GNA