German city of Murnau and Atwima elders at the signing of agreement to protect culture ties
The German city of Murnau a Staffelsee, and Atwima, a community in the Atwima-Kwanwoma District, have entered into a sister-city agreement to promote socio-economic and cultural ties.
Education development, sanitation and environment, tourism and cultural exchange, are the main thrust of this arrangement.
Nana Antwi Agyei Brempong 11, the Atwimahene, led a delegation of chiefs to Murnau in Bavaria, to formally sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the first Mayor of the City, Mr. Rolf Beuting.
Nana Okyere-Tawiah Antwi, the Atwima-Kwanwoma District Chief Executive (DCE), and Mr. Florian Wolfart, Honorary Consul for Ghana in Bavaria, were among those present at the ceremony.
The Atwimahene said the benefits from the town twinning arrangement, in terms of cultural understanding, friendship and promotion of educational exchanges, would be enormous.
They took the relationship seriously and were eager to maximize these benefits, he added.
He singled out for praise some individuals including Mr. Wolfart and his wife, Torita, Mr. Albert Osei-Wusu, a Ghanaian based in Germany, Barbara Krònner, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Barbara Krònner Chokoladen Manufactur, a chocolate manufacturing company in Bavaria, and her husband, Franz Windirsch, who were instrumental in bringing about the sister city relationship.
Mr. Beuting pledged to do everything to strengthen and sustain the ties on the path of growth.
He said he was convinced that the partnership was going to bring tremendous development to the two cities.
Madam Krònner spoke of the decision by her company’s to give strong support to the production of organic fertilizer to aid Ghanaian cocoa farmers not only to increase crop yield but maintain the quality of the country’s cocoa beans.
The company would partner Yayra Glover Limited, a Ghanaian private entity at Suhum in the Eastern Region, which has specialized in the production of organic fertilizer, to produce more of the fertilizer for supply to farmers.
Nana Okyere-Tawiah gave the assurance that the district assembly would do all it could to ensure that the partnership thrived for the mutual benefit of those in the two areas.
The delegation used the opportunity to visit the Dragons Nest Kindergarten and sawdust and solar energy generation station in Murnau.