
Mass teacher licensure exams failure national security threat – NTC

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Wed, 21 Jun 2023 Source:

Six thousand, four hundred and eighty one (6,481) prospective teachers who took a resit for the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination in May 2023 have failed with only 1,277 passing, representing 16.5 percent.

Some of the prospective teachers have sat for the exams as many as nine times.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with GHOne TV News Head of public affairs at the National Teaching Council (NTC), Dennis Osei owusu, who found the situation appalling, described it as a national security threat.

The results of the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination was released on June 20, 2023.

Dennis Osei Owusu attributed the high failure rate to the lack of seriousness on the part of candidates and said, many could not answer basic level questions.

“I am saying it’s a national security threat because these are teachers who will be in our classrooms to train our future generation. If you had the opportunity to change some of the responses on the exams, you would be amazed. We need to have a broader stakeholder consultation.”

The failed candidates who have only one final attempt left have been advised to seek redress from the council with any concerns. Denis Osei Owusu emphasized that “if you’re a teacher and you think you failed and you don’t understand, come for remarking. We believe we are doing the right thing”.

Meanwhile the national teaching council says, it has introduced stringent reforms like the continuous professional development to ensure all teachers are properly equipped and qualified to teach learners.

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