
Matilda Amissah-Arthur to host Prof. Ama Ata Aidoo in a literary conversation at Ghana Reads 2020

Ama Ata Aidoo333 Prof. Ama Ata Aidoo

Fri, 9 Oct 2020 Source:

After a very successful physical session of the 2020 edition of ‘Ghana Reads!’ which recorded hundreds of participants at the KorleGonno Community Library on 7th October, 2020, the second phase of the event is set to be rolled out virtually.

It will host Abdul Hayi-Moomen [at 11:00 am] and Manasseh AwuniAzure[at 7:00 pm] on 8th October; an online Review of Bureau of Ghana Languages’ Book of Prof. Lade’ Wosornu’s Poems Translated into Ghanaian languages [2:00 pm]and Zoom reading with Apiorkor Seyiram Ashong Abbey [6:00 pm] on 9th October and end on Saturday, 10th October with Zoom Reading with Dr. GheysikaAgambila[2:00 pm] and a Literary Conversation between the former Second Lady of the Republic of Ghana, Mrs Matilda Amissah-Arthur and Prof. Ama Ata Aidoo.

This will be preceded by a brief reading from Mrs Amissah-Arthur’s book (STRENGTH IN THE STORM) at 4:30 pm. Details of the sessions

can be accessed by visiting Ghana Reads!’ timeline on Facebook or on twitter.

‘Ghana Reads!’ is an annual project of the 2016 Pan African Poet/Spoken word artiste, Oswald Okaitei, and seeks to revive the dying library engagement in the country and also help to create a new generation of leisure readers in Ghana.

Partners of this virtual session areRotary Club of Accra-Industrial, Drich Discount App, Bureau of Ghana Languages and the Wosornu Foundation and brought to you by Ghana Reads Initiative.

Supporters are Adwinsa Publications Ghana Ltd, Yumvita and A.A Reading Club. For more information one can contact +233 244 174 908.
