
Maulvi Adam’s body arrives at State House for pre-burial ceremony

Maulvi Wahab Adam

Wed, 25 Jun 2014 Source: GNA

The remains of the late Maulvi Dr Wahab Adam, Ameer and Missionary in-charge of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission has arrived at the Forecourt of the State House for pre-burial Muslim Janazah prayer.

The remains which arrived at exactly 09:30 hours after the pre-burial ceremony would then be escorted to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Cemetery at Kasoa in the Central Region.

Both international and local dignitaries including politicians, religious and traditional leaders, government officials and members of the Ahmadiyya Mission, have congregated at the Forecourt of the State House to bid the Missionary farewell.

The late Ghanaian Muslim leader, passed away on June 22, at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, leaving behind a wife and seven children.

His burial has been fixed for today at the Ahmadiyya Cemetery at Kasoa in the Central Region, after pre-burial service at the Forecourt of the State House in Accra.

Maulvi Wahab was born in December 1944, at Brofeyedur-Adansi in the Ashanti Region.

He attended the T.I. Ahmadiyya Secondary School in Kumasi, and proceeded to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Seminary and Ahmadiyya Theological University, in Pakistan.

He received a Diploma in Arabic and Honours Degree in Theology and Islamic Jurisprudence in 1960.

After serving as the Brong-Ahafo Regional Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission from 1960 – 1969, he became the Principal of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Missionary Training College at Saltpond.

In 1971, he was appointed to the high office of the Deputy Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission of the United Kingdom.He was subsequently promoted to the position of Ameer (Head) and Missionary-in-Charge of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission in Ghana.

He steered the affairs of the Mission with distinction, and was instrumental in the establishment of the Halal Committee that advocated the national holidays for Muslim festivities.

Source: GNA