
Media War Against Mills Fails

Thu, 18 Aug 2011 Source: Daily Democrat

After Calling An Aircraft Hangar As Garage,they now Describe Prez.’s Security Post as Mansion.hmmmmm

The Office of the President has refuted media allegation that the President John Evans Atta Mills is building himself a huge mansion at Regimanuel Gray Estates on the Spintex Road.

In its ongoing campaign to malign the President, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and their cohorts in the media have gone to the roof tops to describe a police post being built in the compound of the President as a huge mansion.

The NPP, not long ago described a military aircraft hangar to be built as part of a deal for the purchase of an Embraer E190 for the Ghana Air Force as a simple garage, and attempted to portray the Mills administration as extravagant and fraudulent. Incidentally, what the opposition NPP and its media are describing as a Mansion is actually the foundation for a simple cottage to house the security personnel at the President’s house, who hitherto have had to make do with a makeshift tent. Communications between the President and Regimanuel Gray Ltd, copies of which are available to the Daily Democrat, indicate that President Mills requested for the construction company to provide permanent rest rooms and toilet facilities on rental basis for the security personnel who have been exposed to the vagaries of the weather in the tents erected for them. According to the letter, the President was concerned about the inconvenience the situation is creating for his neighbours in addition to the poor condition in which the security personnel live and promised to be personally responsible for the payment of the rent involved.

In response to the President’s request, Regimanuel Gray Ltd indicated that they already have a proposal to build a permanent fence wall to house the makeshift toilet facilities and the tent for the security personnel. But with reference to the request, the company agreed to build the restrooms and a gate house in addition to the fence wall to provide accommodation for the security personnel on rental basis.

The company, however, insisted that they will build up the area per their plans and the Tenancy Agreement will be presented to him as soon as the project is completed.

Source: Daily Democrat