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Medical Negligence: 4 reported cases that have happened in the span of 2 years

Cannula.png Cannula reportedly left in victim's arm

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 Source:

Cases of medical negligence are emerging more frequently than usual, sparking discussions about the healthcare system in the country.

Premier hospitals, often praised as among the best healthcare providers, have been found at fault in many of these cases.

GhanaWeb explores reported cases of medical negligence over the years:

Cannula left in woman’s vein after caesarean operation at Mamobi Hospital

On July 19, 2024, a middle-aged woman named Philomina Asieduwaa became a victim of medical negligence when a cannula was left in her veins after a surgical procedure to deliver her baby.

In a report by JoyNews, the new mother who gave birth at the Mamobi General Hospital in Accra a week ago is now experiencing pain in her left arm due to a cannula that was left in her vein.

According to the victim, her desperate pleas for the hospital to take responsibility proved futile, as the hospital informed her to bear the costs herself after referring her to the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital for surgery to remove the cannula.

“I came to give birth at the Mamobi Hospital but had a caesarean section. After the operation, just before I was discharged, I discovered that the cannula was broken in my vein. I was given a referral letter to Korle-Bu but the doctors there informed me that the procedure wasn’t free. It typically charges GH¢1000 but agreed to take GH¢600 from Mamobi Hospital. When I returned to Mamobi, they told me to borrow money for the surgery but I didn’t have any. I explained that I had no one to turn to for help,” she told JoyNews.

10-day-old baby allegedly died during circumcision at KNUST Hospital

During a circumcision procedure at KNUST Hospital in the Ashanti Region on April 3, 2023, a 10-day-old baby tragically died, according to a report by

Mohammed Jamal, a private security officer, and Halimatu Adams, a fashion designer, stated they took their baby for a simple procedure but lost him at the theatre.

“The baby was 10 days old so we decided to send him to the hospital for circumcision. While at the hospital, they showed us the theatre. We met a nurse who examined the baby, undressed him, and took off his diapers and told us everything was okay,” the husband told JoyNews.

Moments later, the doctor came to break the unfortunate news to the family.

“I didn't allow the doctor to finish what he was saying...I told him I think my child was dead...I felt something bad had happened to my son,” he recounted.

Family sues Aflao Hospital over alleged negligence in 2023

39-year-old Linda Adua, a caterer, passed away at the Central Aflao Hospital when nurses allegedly denied her treatment without an initial cash deposit.

The deceased, who was then in critical condition, passed away without being attended to by medical professionals despite being willing to make payment through mobile money.

VRA Hospital sued by pharmacist in 2023

A 29-year-old pharmacist sued the Volta River Authority Hospital for allegedly administering the wrong medication to him.

According to reports, the wrong drug prescription caused major damage to the victim's mental and physical health, leading to him being incapacitated.

The list is endless as many such cases have yet to receive public attention for various reasons.

