
Men Are The Solution To Curbing Prostitution - Minister

Prostitutes 2011

Sat, 19 Nov 2011 Source: XFM

Minister for Women and Children’s Affairs has encouraged men to desist from soliciting sex from female sex workers (prostitutes); a move she believes will help curb the illegal sex trade.

Honorable Mrs. Juliana Azumah-Mensah said the business of prostitution is ‘demand and supply” and as such if men who demand such services were to desist from it, it will go a long way to help curb the menace.

“We (women) are supplying and if you (man) don’t stop by me, I stand there for two three nights and the man doesn’t come, we reduce it…”

She said in the European countries, men are actually arrested for soliciting sex from prostitutes since they are the “demanders”.

The honorable minister stressed that most of the female sex workers will still opt for such a profession since they believe it is a way of making quick money and as such men who solicit such services should be the target if the menace is to be curbed.

“…They say they will never stop this business because they get good money…honestly you can give that woman a machine to sew…can you imagine? So we will encourage our men to desist from accessing these services.”

Mrs. Juliana Azumah-Mensah intimated that though most of these men are married, they still solicited such services wondering what about the sex workers were new.

“…really, we should also be talking to the men. It is not only stopping the women from getting on the street. Our men should also learn the lesson that they may get disease themselves and then transmit that disease to the mother of their children. A lot of men go down with HIV/AIDS both man and woman and they die and leave the children”, she intimated.

Source: XFM