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Men and women must develop together if the nation is to grow – Mawutor

Women Leaders Happy.jpeg File photo of young women

Tue, 9 Mar 2021 Source:

Dean of Graduate Studies at the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) Dr. John Kwaku Mawutor, has intimated that there must be the need to see more women mentoring young girls and women to consolidate the gains of women in the country.

He was speaking on the back of the International Women’s Day celebration on the New Day on TV3 on Tuesday, March 9.

Dr. Mawutor said, “it’s not a matter of women being limited to where they belong, just the kitchen and then taking care of the children but I can tell you, these are things that consciously, as a society, we have to work on, both men and women, if we want this country to develop then we must develop together, a comprehensive development, not only men, women must also be carried along.

“I don’t want to join the school of thought, I don’t believe in that, that we’re fighting too much for women, it is because they have suffered over the years, there are brilliant women whose God-given talents have gone down the drain because they were never developed, because of some cultural beliefs and I think it’s time we rise against some of those things and tell the society, tell the custodians of our culture, that look, things have changed in the 21st century and that they should come to apprise themselves with reality.

“Women should also lead and mentor other fellow women, it’s very important, there’s this issue that has been evident that women mostly are the enemies of themselves, I have witnessed a number of scenarios where women have been the stumbling blocks to other women to rise in other institutions, let’s face it and see to it that it doesn’t become something that will mitigate what we’re fighting for, on a number of occasions I have witnessed women fighting against women,” he intimated.

“I know men who have mentored several women than women. I have mentored ladies more than you know, I don’t know whether it’s because I’m so attracted to ladies, I have sisters, so you could see how compassionate I am about women, fortunately, God gave me women, so in the house of seven, I’m the only man” he pointed to Berla Mundi.
