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Methodist Bishop cautions against hypocrisy

Mon, 21 Dec 2009 Source: GNA

Kumasi, Dec 21, GNA - Right-Reverend Professor Osei Safo-Kantank= a, Methodist Bishop of Kumasi, has appealed to Christians to do away with hypocrisy and to mirror the qualities of Christ by being honest, transparent, selfless, modest and disciplined.

He said by so doing they would bring dignity and honour to the Christ= ian religious faith. Bishop Safo-Kantanka was inaugurating the Fante-New-Town Society of t= he church in Kumasi on Sunday. This brings to 34 the number of societies in the Kumasi Circuit.

He advised the society and its leaders to take evangelism seriously. Rt Rev Prof Safo-Kantanka commended the Kumasi Polytechnic branch of t= he Ghana Methodist Students Union (GHAMSU) for their house-to-house evangeli= sm which helped to win more members for the Society. Mr Isaac Osei, Member of Parliament (MP) for Subin, donated GH¢500 t= o the Society.

Source: GNA