
Minimum Wage Increased

Fri, 3 Nov 2000 Source: Panafrican News Agency

Ghana has increased the national daily minimum wage by 44.8 percent from 2,900 cedis to 4,200 cedis (6,670 cedis = 1 USD) with effect from November.

A statement signed by representatives of the government, Ghana Employers' Association and the Trades Union Congress said the new wage was agreed at a national tripartite committee meeting Thursday.

"In deciding on the minimum wage for the year 2000, the National Tripartite Committee committed itself to the determination of a new national daily wage for the year 2001 early in the New Year," it said.

The Trades Union Congress had persistently demanded a daily minimum wage of 5,500 cedis but government said this would be difficult to be paid by employers.

The agitation for higher wages has reached a new peak with elections only five weeks away and the cost of living soaring with the share fall in the earnings of its main exports - cocoa and gold - and high fuel bills.

Source: Panafrican News Agency