
Minister Counsellor, Alex Adu, Why Are You Here?

Sat, 9 Nov 2013 Source: Kwame Akoto, Tottenham, London

Dear Mr. Adu,

We welcome you to your new position as Minister Counsellor for Passport and Immigration, Highgate, UK.

However, it is with great dismay that you have begun disrespecting, discriminating, harassing and refusing to understand the nature of your job and the constituency of Ghanaians in the UK that you have been appointed to deal with.

Several of us are not computer-literate and many more are illiterate or semi-literate. Therefore, we require urgent services of various people to assist in the online application form, submission and other travel/consular services.

We have noticed and in addition, understand that you have resorted to bullying even your staff. Why? In fact, in my humble opinion, you need training and a town meeting with the ordinary people in order to appreciate and comprehend our needs and our concerns which are diverse.

Please note that we often require urgent travel documents and passports sometimes due to compassionate circumstances such as bereavement and for ID which has an impact on our jobs. Therefore, it is crucial, in fact, imperative that you go on a listening tour of your people in the UK, or face the risk of becoming highly unpopular with the very people that you are here to serve.

Many of us have to travel at great expense from cities such as Scotland, Birmingham, Nottingham, Liverpool and leave our jobs and children just to submit applications and to return to collect our documents. We cannot always trust the post as passports have got missing in the post and it takes time. So, Mr Adu, being too rigid in your approach will not help anyone.

Please could you kindly note our concerns. Our interests must come first and foremost.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Kwame Akoto Concerned Ghanaian Tottenham

Source: Kwame Akoto, Tottenham, London