
Minister decry demand for political favours

Wed, 5 Apr 2006 Source: GNA

Akropong (ER), April 05, GNA - The Eastern Regional Minister, Mr Yaw Barimah, on Tuesday decried what he said was a growing tendency of some group of people threatening politicians for not offering them special favours.

Speaking at a People's Assembly at the Presbyterian Teacher's Training College at Akropong-Akuapem, Mr Barimah said emphasis should be placed on the creation of opportunities that would inspire all Ghanaians regardless of their creed or calling to access the opportunities. He said demanding patronage from politicians, especially parliamentarians and making false allegations against them when the requests were not granted, should be done away with.

Mr Barimah said those making the demand should rather demand that government should create opportunities so that citizens with the requisite qualifications could seek those opportunities. He said the 'matu aba amawo' syndrome, meaning "I helped voted you to power" the catchphrase generally used by those seeking such favours from the politicians if continued, could derail genuine efforts aimed at creating even opportunities for all.

Mr Barimah said good politicians serve all the people and not some of them, noting that the situation whereby a small group of people take politicians to ransom for not granting them favours at the expense of the larger good of the society was doing the Ghanaian society no good. He said it was time politicians began telling such people some 'basic truths' instead of acquiescing to the blackmail.

Mr Barimah, the Member of Parliament for Koforidua, said whereas so many opportunities were being created by the New Patriotic Party Administration, many businessmen felt their way lay only in the construction business to the extent that hundreds bid for a work meant for tens and some who lose resort to blackmail.

A Deputy Minister for Defence and Member of Parliament for Akropong, Mr William Boafo, in response to accusations of neglect of the electorate, said there was no merit in the claims since almost all electoral areas within his constituency had benefited from some development project.

Mr Edward Aboagye, the District Chief Executive, said his administration was doing its best to resolve sanitation problems.

Source: GNA