
Minister's aide pulls gun

Gun In Blackman's Hand 27Oct2010

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 Source: Daily Guide

Spokesperson for Ashanti Regional Minister, Francis Dodovi, has allegedly pulled a gun on some people during a road rage at Amakom in Kumasi.

Some irate youngsters in Kumasi, led by one Kwame Osei, told the media that Dodovi pulled a pistol on them in traffic last Saturday around 8: pm. According to the youngsters, who were planning to stage a demonstration against Dodovi, the gun-pulling incident happened right in the presence of a police CID officer.

Osei claimed that he and his group were trying to repair their faulty car when Dodovi appeared at the scene in his VW Passat car, screaming at them to vacate the road.

He said verbal exchanges ensued between them and Dodovi, in the course of the verbal rift, went for an ash coloured pistol which he used to threaten them.

Osei said Dodovi later on sped off from the scene in his car after realizing that curious people who were angered about his actions were gradually gathering at the scene.

But reacting to the issue on phone, Dodovi denied having any confrontation with some people last Saturday evening let alone pulling a gun.

He said: “I did not have any confrontation with any people. Again it is not true that I have pulled a gun to threaten any person or group of people.” Dodovi, who seemed worried about the story which he suspected was being used to tarnish his image, stated that he did not own a gun and, therefore, he was surprised about the issue.

When he was asked if the alleged incident took place in the presence of a police CID officer, Dodovi retorted “Why didn’t that police officer arrest me if indeed something of that sort occurred.”

Dodovi wondered why those who were accusing him of pulling a gun on them had still not reported the matter to the police, four days after the said incident.

He stated that the matter was not true and that it was a cooked-up story to tarnish his image, adding that he had thick skin, therefore he was not bothered.

Source: Daily Guide