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Ministers collect huge bribes & kickbacks -Mills

Wed, 10 Nov 2004 Source: Chronicle

- Mills fires direct shot: KUFUOR AND HIS MEN ARE CORRUPT
-urges Kufuor to hand over peacefully

Nkwakwa/Ofoaso Ayirebi, Nov 10, Chronicle -- National Democratic Congress? Presidential Candidate, Prof. Atta Mills has said the reason why President Kufuor and his Ministers are no longer talking about corruption with much zeal is, they are corrupt.

According to him, corruption and intimidation have become the hallmark of the NPP government, adding that it is pathetic for the President to say, after being voted into power that, corruption has existed since the days of Adam.

?I think Mr. Kufuor has now got a bible teacher to know that corruption existed in the days of Adam. In other words, he might have started reading the Bible. President Kufuor and his ministers are corrupt and that is why for the past years, he cannot talk about corruption,? he fumed.

?In 2000, President Kufuor accused some of us as thieves and corrupt. But thank God that after the elections, we did not run away. I am praying that a time will come so that Rawlings, Ohene Kena, Mills and President Kufuor and his Minister would be lined up for a certain mechanism to diagnose us to see who is actually corrupt or a thief.

No wonder he cannot talk about corruption again because they receive kick bags and bribes,? he alleged.

Speaking to various communities in the Eastern Region last Thursday, Prof. Mills who said the current government was over bloated and had disillusioned the masses, challenged President Kufuor?s travels both internally and externally.

?If you are governing the nation with lies and deceptions without taking the welfare of the masses into consideration, you are rather deepening the woes of the nation. The NDC government will provide a better administration,? he told the supporters.

The NDC Presidential Candidate also took time to lament the slash in workers? salary without telling the whole truth about the rational behind the cut. He called on NDC supporters to vote the NPP out of power.

Prof. Mills whose victory ego is bloating per rally has already admonished incumbent John Agyekum, to start thinking of a peaceful handing over after the December elections.

Mills who has been quoted by his close aides as saying that one of his legs is already in the Castle said, ?I hope that when we beat them in the December 7 elections, they will peacefully hand over power.

How can we in the same breath be asked to tighten our belts as the president and his ministers drive expensive cars? Who should swallow the bitter pills,? he asked.

The former law lecturer condemned vindictiveness, harassment and intimidation of political opponents and reiterated how his wife was treated badly in the hands of this administration without any cause.

?You can forgive but you cannot forget. Mills? government will not go after political opponents. Mills? government will ensure fairness and justice to all, irrespective of their political affiliations. My wife was treated like a common criminal. They said they would investigate. Since then, the report has not come out. But Mills will not treat anybody like that,? he said.

According to him, the change of Junior Secondary School to Junior High was not necessary. ?Changing of the name to Junior High does not matter. What does it represent if people cannot afford to pay the school fees? It is rather adding insult to injury for the change of the name.?

Calling for civility among the rank and file of the party members towards the forthcoming general elections, the former Vice President denied rumours that the NDC is planning to create chaos in the forthcoming elections, adding that the NPP was being chased by their own shadows of unfulfilled promises.

?The NDC is not bringing any confusion into the country.

Let us behave. My brothers and sisters, nobody should engage in any activity to destabilize the nation. We must all remember that Ghana is for all of us. Let us help to push the nation forward. Voting is about development. It is not about fighting,? he urged the supporters.

He condemned the actions of some NPP activists who stormed the Abirim constituency on his tour to destabilize the program. ?Party affiliations should not divide us. Let us leave a legacy of peace and togetherness for our future generation.?

Source: Chronicle