
Ministry of Chieftaincy calls for peace among Gas

Thu, 6 Jul 2006 Source: GNA

Accra, July 6, GNA 96 The Ministry of Chieftaincy and Culture on Thursday urged chiefs and elders of the Ga Traditional area not to allow the current misunderstanding between members of the royal families to disturb the peace in the capital or culminate in a nasty incident. A statement signed by the Sector Minister, Mr S. K. Boafo noted that the late Ga Mantse, Nii Amugi II was a peace-loving chief during whose reign the Ga Traditional Area in particular, and Greater Accra as a whole, enjoyed stability and the conducive atmosphere for progress and development.

"The Ga Traditional Area, should, therefore, honour his memory by following his exemplary life."

The Ministry expressed the hope that the peace and tranquillity prevailing in the Ga Traditional Area would be sustained in the interest of cohesion, stability and economic development of the capital city of Ghana.

He also noted with concern that there were chieftaincy disputes in the country, some of which had resulted in violent confrontation between rival factions.

"The Ministry wishes to state that it has the responsibility to ensure that there is peace and security in every traditional area in the country, and this responsibility it cannot shirk.

"The new Ministry of Chieftaincy and Culture further wishes to assure chiefs in particular and the public in general that its doors are always open for interaction on any matter relating to chieftaincy and cultural affairs in the interest of our dear country."

The Ga Traditional Council on Wednesday at a brief ceremony at the Ga Traditional Palace at Kaneshie accepted Dr Jo Blankson as the new Ga Mantse to succeed the late Nii Amugi II.

The Royal Ga Dzase under Numo Tete, Nai Wulomo, the Spiritual Head of the Ga State, installed Dr Blankson, a member of the National Development Planning Commission on June 11, 2006.

The ceremony chaired by Nii Kpobi Tete-Tsuru, Acting President of Ga Traditional Council, was witnessed by a crowd, which later followed the new Ga Mantse in a convoy from the Palace to the Ga Traditional Stool House at Ga Mashie.

At Ga Mashie, King Tawiah and elders of Ga Stool amidst drumming, dancing and firing of musketry, gracefully walked a distance of about 200 metres to greet the Gas before he was taken into the Stool House. King Tawiah thanked the Traditional Council and Ga Chiefs, who were at the ceremony and called for unity, love and peace among Gas. His coronation would be in October, by which time the late Nii Amugi would have been buried, a member of Teiko Tsuru We Royal House told the Ghana News Agency.

Meanwhile, five members of the Nii Teiko Tsuru We have filed a petition at the Judicial Committee of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs against the nomination and election of Dr Jo Blankson as the new Ga Mantse.

Dr E.A. Tackie, Ms S.T. Tackie, Mr Kingsley Nii Tieko Tackie, Nii Armah Tackie and Mr George Tackie, said Dr Blankson was installed without the information, knowledge, consent, consultation and agreement of the royal house.

They contended that Dr Blackson, who has the stool name Nii Tackie Tawiah III, was the grandson of Madam Amerley Nkpa, a daughter of King Tackie Tawiah I and therefore a matrilineal descendant of that King.

"The Ga State is a patrilineal society and the system of inheritance and succession in the Ga State especially in Ga Mashhie, is patrilineal, particularly for Ga royal families.

"Therefore, Dr Joe Blackson, who is a matrilineal descendant of King Tackie Tawiah is an illegitimate candidate to be considered and processed as Ga Mantse and does not qualify to be made Ga Mantse.=94 The petition filed on June 16 is against the new King and Nii Akropong III, the head of the Nii Teiko Tsuru We royal house.

Source: GNA