
Minority Demands Resignation Of Finance Minister

Tue, 26 Nov 2002 Source:  

The Minority group in Parliament has demanded the resignation of Finance Minister and the Governor of the Bank of Ghana. The minority says if the two officials do not resign on their own volition, the President should take appropriate action against them.

The group’s demands follows the Finance Minister’s announcement to Parliament today that government will no longer pursue a proposed one billion dollar loan agreement with the International Finance Consortium (IFC).

Minority Chief Whip Edward Doe Adjaho says the Governor of the Central Bank and the Finance Minister must both resign because of the inconsistent statements they made to Parliament and its Finance Committee over the due diligence they claimed had been conducted into the credibility of the IFC.

“All these matters, all these things that he came to tell Parliament today are matters that the minority raised on the floor of the House on July 12 and he has come back to them. So clearly, you know that the honourable thing for him to do is to resign honourably with the Governor of the Bank of Ghana who also appeared before the House and said that due diligence had been made”.

Mr. Adjaho added that the inconsistencies give the minority side cause to disbelieve government, when it says Ghana’s sovereign guarantee was not issued to the consortium. According to him, various newspapers as well as the minority had information that the Finance Minister was in Europe several times to work on the loan. “On what basis did he go if it was not the signing of the sovereign guarantee”, Mr Adjaho queried.
