
Modern version of 'Kama Sutra' to be out soon

Sun, 24 Oct 2010 Source: GNA

London, Oct 24 (PTI/GNA) A N D Haksar, an Indian scholar, has

written a revised version of the ancient Kama Sutra by

adapting it to modern lives and relationships and presenting

as a 'lifestyle guide for the modern man and woman'.

Haksar's version to be published by Penguin in February

2011, sees the ancient text updated from a sex guide to a

lifestyle reference guide.

According to a preview in the 'Sunday Telegraph', gone

are the erotic drawings and sexual illustrations that

accompanied earlier translations.

Haksar's edition will be a text-only pocket-sized

handbook, described as a "classy" manual "covering every

aspect of love and relationships".

Previous English versions of the Kama Sutra have been

widely based on the 19th-century translation by the explorer

and orientalist, Sir Richard Francis Burton, often featuring

erotic illustrations to enhance Burton's old-fashioned


Haksar, a leading translator of Sanskrit texts, has

chapter headings such as "Making a Pass", "Why Women Get

Turned Off", "Girls to Avoid", "Is he Worthwhile?", "Getting

rid of him", "Easy Women", "Moves towards sex," and "Some Dos

and Don'ts".

Source: GNA