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Mole National Park gets facelift

Fri, 8 Aug 2008 Source: GNA

Mole (N/R), Aug. 8, GNA - Ms Oboshie Sai Cofie, Minister of Tourism and Diasporan Relations on Thursday said the government was partnering with private investors to develop the tourism sector into a major foreign income earner for Ghana.

She said there was the need to improve on standards and called on all stakeholders in the sector to improve on service delivery to meet visitor expectations and international practices.

Ms Cofie said this at the commissioning ceremony of some infrastructure development projects for the Mole National Park at Mole in the West Gonja district.

The Netherlands government sponsored the projects, which included the construction of a modern entrance gate, an information centre, range camps and the rehabilitation of about 71 kilometres of internal roads.

The projects cost 5.8 million Euros. She said the poor state of Fufulso-Damongo-Sawla road which leads to the Park was a major concern to the government and that plans were underway for its reconstruction to enhance accessibility to the facility.

She said a defunct helicopter pad at the Park would also be revamped to enable those who could afford to fly direct to area. Nana Kofi Adu Nsia, Executive Director of the Wildlife Division, said adequate measures had been put in place to ensure maximum security at the Park.

The security measures included the provision of Satellite camps, computerized monitoring system, radio communication rooms and camping equipment.

Nana Nsia said the Mole Park Management had improved relationship with the local communities and other stakeholders and expressed the hope that this would further enhance the development of the Park. Mr. Andrew Adjei-Yeboah, Deputy Minister of Lands, Forestry and Mines said the Mole National Park was a national asset with the potential to drive the cultural and socio-economic development of local communities.

Source: GNA