
More Ghanaian troops depart for ECOMIL operations

Sun, 7 Sep 2003 Source: GNA

Accra, Sept. 7, GNA - The insertion of Ghanaian troops into the ECOWAS Mission in Liberia (ECOMIL) operations entered its second day on Sunday with the airlift of more personnel, equipment and other logistics into Monrovia.

The troops, who are under the command of Lt. Col. J.A. Adolinama are part of the leading elements of Ghanaian troops to be deployed in Liberia under the ECOWAS brokered peace plan for Liberia.

This is contained in a release issued by the Public Relations directorate of Ghana Armed forces in Accra on Sunday.

Addressing the troops shortly before they enplaned for Monrovia, the Commander of the Support Services Brigade, Brigadier J.K. Attipoe, said the troops were part of the vanguard for the ECOWAS inter positional force for Liberia. Their purpose was to maintain the fragile peace that was holding in that country.

He recalled the important role Ghana had played in securing a cease-fire in the Liberia crisis and cautioned that much more would be expected of Ghanaian troops operating in ECOMIL.

Brigadier Attipoe reminded the troops that, though they have performed in various operations and posses a store of experiences, every operation was unique in its own special way. Troops must not be complacent but combine their training and experience, so as to achieve the desired results.

Additionally, as pacesetters of the subsequent battalions, they cannot afford to relax but maintain that professional posture to ensure that the mission of ECOMIL was achieved.

The Commander admonished the troops to be conscious of the fact that they were a peacekeeping or peace facilitating force and not an occupation force. They must therefore, respect the culture and customs of the people.

Also at the Air Force Base to see the troops off was Mary Carlin Yates, the United States Ambassador. The insertion of the Ghanaian troops is expected to be completed by Monday.

In another development, another battalion, United Nations Assistance Mission in Sierra Leon (UNAMSIL) Ghanbatt 8, under the command of Lt. Col. G. Biah will start relieving UNAMSIL Ghanbatt 7, who have completed six months tour of duty in Sierra Leone on Tuesday 9, September.

Source: GNA