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Mugabe’s critics are ungrateful – IrBard Ibrahim

Irbard Mugabe IrBard Ibrahim (L), President Robert Mugabe (R)

Wed, 22 Nov 2017 Source:

The news of Robert Mugabe’s resignation was greeted across Zimbabwe with lots of jubilations and tears of joy from critics.

However the change of rule according to an international Relation Expert, IrBard Ibrahim was rather dangerous for the people of Zimbabwe with their welcoming heart desire.

Speaking emotionally on the new trend, he noted that, Africans had lost long time dictators who helped Africans in becoming who they are today and issues like this should not be seen as pleasing to the eye.

“We must appreciate our great heros and honour them instead of calling shame for ourselves.”

“Many great men like Yahya Jammeh, Thomas Sankara, and Dr. Kwame Nkrumah were all criticized despite their great leadership and today there are nowhere to be found.”

“And the rest we have now are being treated as animals neglecting of their good work for Africa.”

“African leaders have become like women and are being tossed up and down any how by the white as if we are still under colonial system.”

According to him, frequent change in governance would never bring the desired development “we all need but the visions of a leader drives nation into success.”

Zimbabwe for instance they said, “Mugabe has done this and that, he made inflation to go high and all sorts of allegations, however Mugabe sacrificed his life for Zimbabweans. And today he is forgotten so soon.”

“For me the man deserves good treatment looking at his age, and if not for anything, he is a hero for Africa, looking at his performance so far.” He needed time to end his term as president, but “forcing him to resign rather puts bitterness in him.”

“A nation that does not honour its hero is not worth dying for, he has done what he can do as president and a great leader, however, i think his critics are wrong and ungrateful”, IrBard expressed.
