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My agenda for jobs will cure unemployment disease in Ghana - Alabi

Joshua Alabi5 Professor Joshua Alabi, Presidential candidate hopeful NDC

Fri, 25 Jan 2019 Source:

Flagbearer hopeful in the upcoming National Democratic Congress (NDC) presidential primaries, Professor Joshua Alabi, has promised to create jobs through farming, technology, trade industry and sports.

The aspirant in an interview with Rainbow Radio’s Kwabena Agyapong said, under his leadership, the unemployment rate would be drastically reduced through his policy on jobs.

The former head of the University of Professional Studies said with enough resources, he will create a social fund that will provide incentives for young people who are interested in going into farming especially agric students.

He is also planning to use science and technology as well as the trade and industry to provide more jobs for the unemployed youth.

In the area of sports, he said, he will initiate a policy that will weed off the streets of unemployed youth by establishing sports academies that would train young people in boxing, football and other sporting activities for export.

Successful players who travel out of the country would invest 5% of their monthly earnings into the national sports fund so government would have enough resources to manage and support other talents.
