
N1 highway crossing points woefully inadequate - Engineer

N1 Highway

Tue, 4 Dec 2012 Source: Philip Kofi Ashon

Chairman of Public and International Affairs at the Ghana Institute of Engineers, Magnus Quarshie has noted that the number of foot bridges on the George Walker Bush Highway are woefully inadequate when compared to the other critical factors.

According to Mr. Quarshie, though the original designs for the project made provision for about seven interchanges, the funding for the project allowed for only two.

“Looking at the original intent of the designs, we were supposed to have seven interchanges. The Americans gave us money and said they could only afford two. There were supposed to be adequate crossing facilities as well as access roads all along properties,” Mr Quarshie indicated.

"We need to appreciate that people must cross, whether we like it or not. The crossings are woefully inadequate and people who take decisions on this must do something swiftly on it."

Mr. Quarshie further noted, "We need additional crossings such that it is easy for people to cross and beyond that, we need a lot of education so that people would appreciate the new layout because the entire environment has been changed".

"The role of agencies and authorities in charge of this must move swiftly to address the problem because people must cross and we can’t look on and kill human beings like goats."

Source: Philip Kofi Ashon