
NAGRAT Ladies of Excellence inaugurated in Kumasi

Sun, 31 May 2009 Source: GNA

Kumasi, May 31, GNA - A five-member Executive Committee of the Ashanti Regional Chapter of Ladies of Excellence, a women's wing of the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) was inaugurated in Kumasi on Friday.

The Committee has Adellaide Biyaa-Powers of Konongo Odumasi Senior High School (SHS) as Co-ordinator. In an address, Mr. Daniel Boamah-Duku, the Ashanti Regional Chairman of NAGRAT, said the Chapter would be the platform for ladies to champion the cause of children and members.

"In this era of ours where issues of children such as child abuse, human trafficking and domestic violence against the female sex is on the ascendancy, coupled with the call of the society for deeper education as a panacea to these issues, it is very pertinent to have our women's desk to champion the struggle against these social problems," he stated. He was optimistic that members would avail themselves of the task ahead and work assiduously together to meet challenges of education and other problems to enhance national development.

Mrs. Theresa Addai, Headmistress of Saint Louis SHS in Kumasi, urged the members to cooperate with the executive and work hard to improve the level of education in the country. 31 May 09

Source: GNA