
NCCE commends two USA and German NGOs

Sat, 28 Nov 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, Nov 28, GNA - The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) on Saturday commended Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) of Germany and the Centre for Civic Education of USA for contributing to the civic empowerment of Ghanaian youth.

Mr Larri Bimi, NCCE Chairman, noted that the two bodies' support to the Commission for the Social Auditing; and the Project Citizen Teacher Training Workshops, over the past years, had injected a high sense of civic awareness and interest in students and communities. Speaking to the Ghana News Agency, in an interview in Accra, Mr Bimi said the Commission had signed another three-year agreement with HSF for collaboration and support.

He said the HSF, had over the past years, also supported the printing of special NCCE Civic Message calendars; the organisation of refresher workshops in four regions; and the holding of regional and national Project Citizen Showcases.

Project Citizen is an interdisciplinary civic education programme, which seeks to develop the intellectual and participatory skills that promote reasoned investigation , critical thinking, effective communication and reflective thinking. It also seeks to inspire the youth to develop democratic tenets like Tolerance, Patriotism, Self Respect, and Respect for others. It encourages the exercise of fundamental rights and responsibilities with commitment and confidence. The NCCE Chairman reminded Ghanaians of the urgent need to uphold the principles and objectives of the 1992 Constitution as the fundamental law of the land and to protect it all times against all forms of abuse and violation.

He said though the indicators of civic awareness were rising, as is being witnessed in the steady growth of democratic practices; the freedom of the media, the emergence of social and political lobbying groups, and the vibrancy of social commentators, the resort to militancy as the means of settling differences in many areas called for a deeper studying of the 1992 Constitution.

He, therefore, appealed to the media to periodically remind Ghanaians of the Preamble of the 1992 Constitution: "In the name of the Almighty God, we the people of Ghana, in exercise of our natural and inalienable rights to establish a framework of government which shall secure for ourselves and posterity the blessings of liberty, equality of opportunity and prosperity; "In a spirit of friendship and peace with all peoples of the world; and in solemn declaration and affirmation of our commitment to; freedom, justice, probity, and accountability;

"The principle that all powers of Government spring from the sovereign will of the people, the principles of Universal Adult Suffrage, Rule of Law, the protection and preservation of fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms Unity and Stability for our Nation."

Mrs. Fanny Judith Kumah, Coordinator of Project Citizen Ghana, also in an interview, explained that Project Citizen Ghana is administered by the NCCE and Centre for Civic Education, USA.

She said the project stated in 2006 with 20 Junior and Senior High Schools in the Greater Accra and Northern regions on pilot basis. It is now being implemented in 147 schools across the country. She said the students learn to interact through a six-step process that involves identifying a problem in their community that requires a public policy solution.

They are then required to gather information on the selected problem, examine and evaluate alternative solutions, develop a proposed public policy to address the problem and create an action plan to get the policy adopted by the government after which they reflect on the learning experience. Mrs. Kumah urged Ghanaian students to research independently, appreciate the importance of teamwork and originality, defend decisions made, and fulfil their responsibilities as active participants in society. A report issued at the end of four regional workshops identified some of the challenges facing Project Citizens Ghana as inadequate funding, lack of commitment of teachers and NCCE monitors, poor teacher turn over and lack of pre-service training for teachers and poor publicity.

Source: GNA