
NCCE must go - Adade

Sun, 1 Jul 2001 Source: GNA

Mr Justice N. Y. B. Adade, a retired Supreme Court Judge, on Friday called for the removal of the chapter on National Commission for Civic Education from the Constitution. He was delivering a lecture on the topic: "Agenda for reform of the Constitution: some policy considerations," organised by the Ghana Bar Association (GBA) to mark the 19th Martyrs Day in Accra.

The day is being observed in memory of three murdered High Court Judges and a retired army officer on June 30, 1982. Mr Justice Adade said: "I am yet to fathom satisfactorily for myself what a whole chapter on civic education is doing in our Constitution and to think that it is an entrenched provision."

He said the numerous TV and radio stations, the newspapers the Information Service Department, countless non-governmental and other bodies such as the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD) and the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) and many others could take care of educating the public on civic matters.

Mr Justice Adade invited Parliament to examine the issue as to whether a public institution was needed for civic education.

Source: GNA