
NDC Is Losing - JJ

Rawlings 02.09

Wed, 7 Apr 2010 Source: The New Voice

Former President Jerry John Rawlings has expressed worry that if the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and its leadership continue to govern the country in a more sluggish and hopelessness manner by the end of the year should consider being a loser comes the 2012 general elections.

He said that the Party that is currently led by Prof. John Evans Atta Mills after its fifteen months of office has totally failed to deliver to the nation’s interest.

“NDC cannot win and rule the country, if it continues to be like the way it is been governed by a leader who is very slow”.

The Ex-President made the remarks at an official visit to his ridge resident by members of the Prestea Huni/Valley women wing of the party, to express their sympathy to his family whose house was gutted by fire on February 14 this year.

According to Mr. Rawlings if the party fails to deliver to the people’s desire may create a big vacuum, since there would not be any sellable and touching message to tell the electorates in the 2012 campaign as a founder.

He said that the current leader of the party lacks the true spirit of a real member of NDC, since his outfit does not depict a true vibrant NDC leadership style as he claims to hit the ground running’.

His slogan ‘hit the ground running and a better Ghana agenda’ is a mirage and a disgraced to the party at this crucial moment when Ghanaians want to see something worth deserving done to benefit them all, he stressed.

Professor Mills was called on to wake up from his Political slumber and manage the country in a braver manner. He encouraged Ghanaians to ensure peace by respecting and accepting each other’s view to enable promotes the country’s true democracy as a republic.

On her side, former first lady, Her Excellency Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings added that the NDC as government has failed to recognize its foot soldiers that fought fearlessly to bring the party to power. “The Castle lacks acknowledgement to it real fighters but rather favours those who contributed nothing towards the victory of the party when it was at opposition”.

Nana Konadu challenged the party to put in place measures that would ensure to satisfy its people by setting up avenues that would address to their needs.

The delegation were thanked through the MP for the area, Mr. Francis Adu Blay Koffi for the gesture made to them. On his part, legislator for the Prestea Huni/Valley Constituency, Mr. Blay Koffi, said that the unseen incident, which engulfed the family, was indeed an unfortunate scene, since it has led to a lost of several valuable documents and items, which would take a lot of time and resources to recover.

He commended the former leader for this selfless and dedication to hard work towards the developmental goal of Ghana after Dr. Kwame Nkrumah whose activities gave the country a face lift from its hobbling nature to a more respectable one across the world.

Ghana as a country has so far been gifted with two personalities whose contributions have impacted massively to its development, thus Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and Jerry John Rawlings and should not be denied such platform.

As a young MP, leading a constituency which is well-known for its great contribution towards the national growth in terms of the rich endowment of gold resources called on the Ex-President Rawlings to use his office to lobby the government to ensure that the underground mining operations is revamped at Prestea.

This he said would help create employment for the thick unemployed rate as well as improve the living conditions of the people.

Source: The New Voice