
NDC constituency elections scheduled for 23rd June 2018

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Thu, 3 May 2018 Source:

After “successful” branch elections in over 30,000 constituency branches across thecountry, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has disclosed that the official date for the party’s constituency elections is slated for June 23, 2018.

According to the General Secretary of the party, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, nominations are opened to constituencies that have finalized their branch elections while adding that interested persons are entreated to visit their constituencies and fill the forms within a five-day period.

“For the constituencies that have concluded their branch elections, we want to give them permission to open nominations for the constituency elections from Monday, 7 May to Sunday 11 May. So for five days anybody who aspires to pick a form to contest at the constituency level can go to their constituency offices to the designated officials and pick a form to complete,” he said.

At a press conference in Accra, Johnson Asiedu Nketia announced that the five-day period must be strictly adhered by the constituencies to pave way for the vetting process which is expected to be completed by May 26, 2018 in the 275 constituencies across the various regions.

He mentioned that this will give people, who have been either vetted out or been disqualified, the opportunity to put in their appeal before the constituency elections the following month.

Mr Asiedu Nketia explained that the appeal process has clearly been indicated in the NDC’s constitution hence it must go through the regional level up to the national level, if need be however, “we don’t expect that the appeal process will come that far. Majority of the appeal may end at the regional level but we think that by the end of 31 May, all appeals would have been dealt with.”

He further indicated that the end of the appeal process and vetting process will lead to the positions on the ballot paper.

“…Our constituency elections are scheduled for 23 June. You try as much as possible that in all the 275 constituencies, our elections will be held on 23 of June,” he reiterated to members present at the confab.
