
NDC emerges stronger from peaceful congress

Sat, 6 Jan 2007 Source: Democrat

.. causing more Headaches for Detractors

The NPP is terribly worried. The most worried group in this tribal collection of intolerant freaks is its partisan National Security apparatus and President J.A. Kufuor. Some of these men might have by now visited the lavatory for the umpteenth time. For the weakest of stomachs in this so-called elite and ethnocentric gang, their self-inflicted diarrhoea is caused primarily by their inability to decimate the NDC.

Six years into the administration of this tribal gang, the plot to destroy the NDC and its leadership particularly Jerry Rawlings is yet to succeed. Having employed both orthodox and unorthodox methods to bring the NDC on its knees without success including the prosecution of its former appointees, the time has come for this poisonous tribal collection of ‘Matemeho’ politicians to go back to the drawing board.

Instead of losing steam and vital energy, the NDC is rather growing in strength and stature. This has confounded the most serious political science students in their midst. The most stupefied of the lot being the insensitive, revenge-filled dubious characters parading as national security icons. Billions upon billions of the Ghanaian tax-payer’s money is being dissipated and expended on this devious project of annihilating the NDC. And in spite of this huge expenditure, the returns have been nothing but dismal. The few decent politicians in the NPP we are told are getting increasingly depressed by the Hitlerite methods which are even eroding the little modicum of respect Ghanaians have for this drug barons parading as the nation’s administrators.

Of concern to the decent ones in the elephant family is the voicing of dissent over the funding the Obed Asamoah-led Democratic Freedom Party (DFP). The tactic we are told is to see if this covert and overt sponsorship of the DFP could help create some fissures within the NDC. How naïve the partisan national security and its media agents have been in not doing a more thorough critique of the available political theories on how to destabilise a major opponent such as the NDC. It is obvious to us that those handling the establishment and their media propaganda strategy have grown stale and need refresher courses to study modern trends.

Obed Asamoah and his DFP are the new allies of the NPP. Of course they are birds of a feather who all thrive on politics of money. Deprive Obed Asamoah of the necessary billions, some of which he used to stash under his bed and he looks too ordinary for anybody to think of doing a serious political project with him. The few bunch of renegades with him in his DFP are known to be in toe because of the perception that he is sitting on money. And the NPP is known to go the extra mile to dip its long hands into our national coffers to try to cling to power. And the new addition to their clique, a veritable UP blood, who has teamed up with the originators of political violence to attempt to block the NDC and its irrepressible forces from attaining power in 2008 is Obed Asamoah.

There are those who joined his bandwagon because they have been promised national unrestrained and free flowing cash from national security, for them to live meaningful lives. They include that smelly mouth with thick lips, conveniently fleshy enough to provide a decent meal for the cannibals. We are told they have arranged a crisis meeting to analyse the impact of the huge success of the NDC Congress. What has made them edgy is the ground swell of party supporters who thronged the Legon Congress to make nonsense of Obed Asamoah’s empty boasts of commanding huge following in the NDC for which reason his resignation and the formation of his DFP could then mark the beginning of the capitulation of the party. The milling crowd has sent a clear message to him and his new collaborators that his claim to unparallel political intelligence is an exaggeration and completely hogwash. The NDC is not Verandah Boys and Girls Club which specialises in recycling of same faces for the sake of justifying dubious claims to organisational ability. No wonder the decent few in the NPP are said to wince at the quantum of money being expended on the DFP and other projects in the avowed objective of decimating the NDC to no avail.

As usual of a desperate national security outfit eager to please and justify its expenditure on such puerile projects such as seeing to the destruction of the NDC, they managed just before the congress to whet the ego of one of their unmasked moles now parading in DFP robes to engage in a diversion. The disgraceful failure of the strategy by national security to use this pliable whoring log to arouse emotions and sentiments and paint the NDC as a violent party has boomerang to the extent that this wee-choked whore without any scruples should have dug a hole by now and hide in it.

We have been reliably informed by those who are opposed to the way and manner the returnees from exile have virtually hijacked the NPP party. They are concerned with the sterile attempts to create a crisis atmosphere using the NDC as a pawn to steal and stash away vital funds needed for the development of the country. And with the NDC having survived their machinations and covert and overt operations to destabilise it in the last six years, the NPP’s ailment as diagnosed by our clinical psychologists and physicians has been said to move from the serious to the malignant stage.

The failure of the NPP moles parading as the CPP parliamentary caucus to seize control of the CPP and turn it to the NPP is making the national security strategists lose face in the NPP. With the failure of one project after the other, concerns are being raised as to the continuous justification for more cash to be taken from the contingency fund for such unproductive operations.

Which approach is left for national security to adopt now in the face of the resilience and survival instincts of the NDC? In their desperation and frustration and in the midst of mounting mistrust and distrust from within NPP circles, the New Democrat has been briefed of the grand persecuting programme lined up for next year. The year 2007 will be concentrated on framing all manner of charges against known NDC leaders, prosecute them and then use the judiciary to convict them for imaginary acts, most of which in any normal court of law would not stand legal and judicial scrutiny.

And for such characters such as Kwesi Botchwey, who is said to be dreaming of standing on the ticket of the NPP-funded DFP, he is better advised to watch it. Old files at his old hunt, the Ministry of Finance had been located and dusted ready for flimsy charges to be brought against him in the sale of AGC shares. He better sits down to ask very pertinent questions as to the main source of funding of the DFP. They have targeted him because they suspect him of non-co-operation in using the DFP mainly to deflate NDC votes. Kwesi ‘B’ wants to be president and he is likely to run into a stone wall because he is not apprised of the full facts about the funding of the DFP.

The NDC Congress has again defied the annihilation theory of NDC apologists in national security and their media funded acolytes. With over six newspapers being remotely funded by national security, Ghanaians should brace themselves ready for an onslaught on the NDC, using non issues to divert attention from the core issues of post-peaceful Congress. Every sinew in their bodies has been used to paint a doomsday picture of the NDC Congress. So far, their propaganda has grounded to a halt because the moles and fifth columnists have been kept at bay. And the NDC has rather emerged from the Congress more solid and stronger.

But since the churning out of negative stories about the NDC is what helps in lining their pockets, they have to devise new methods to make more money from national security funds. Ghanaians should therefore brace themselves for the worst defamatory stories to be churned out by the pro-NPP media, controlled, teleguided and smoothly funded with national security largesse.

There are some decent ones out there in the NPP and who are part of their media mafia but are getting sick by the hour at the concentration of their energies on the NDC. They are worried because the NDC remains totally impregnable and is rather better focused to deal a decisive blow to the cocaine barons whose open endorsement of corruption is even infuriating the Oracle of Delphi. The NDC has shown to the world that it is committed to rescuing Ghanaians from the economic malaise they now find themselves. They have demonstrated their true character as the party which brought political and economic stability to Ghana . The task ahead of the NDC is an onerous one. For those who unwittingly followed Obed Asamoah, because they thought he had something to offer, but have now realised the grand deception of being indirectly led into a political minefield of an unholy alliance with the NPP, please do retrace your steps. We are glad to spot some innocent ones at the Congress, who have decided to retrace their steps because their umbilical chords are firmly planted in the NDC.

The Social Democrats and pragmatists are slowly, gradually and smoothly grinding their way back into political power. And the genesis of this journey is the vibrant and solid Legon Congress which no doubt had provided the underlying energy for unity, peaceful existence and tolerance among all the tendencies under the umbrella. The next phase of the NDC rebirth is for them to take the fight to the NPP and their sponsored satellites such as the DFP and the so-called CPP parliamentary gang. It is going to be a long drawn battle, which will culminate in the finally chase of the elephant and the fox into the bush before coming back to count the inpenicuous chicken.

For those who have really endured the NPP’s machinations to destroy the NDC without success, this is the time to be more hungry and angry for political power. The ultimate road to success is for those in the trenches to redouble their efforts while the national leadership move quickly to re-energise the foot-soldiers with the much needed resources and effective reactivation of the structures across the length and breadth of the country. The task ahead is very arduous indeed but with determination, perseverance and the commitment to die for a noble cause of liberating Ghanaians from the shackles of poverty, mismanagement, corruption, tribalism, cocaine-peddling and political arrogance there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Shaking like reeds in a windstorm for their inability to dismantle the indestructible NDC machine, the NPP strategists in the partisan NPP national security and their political bosses ensconced in the Castle and Kokomlemle, are terribly worried. Their planned violent schemes have failed so would their comprehensive plot to rig the 2008 elections. In short, the peaceful NDC Congress is a debilitating factor for the NPP. They have done everything humanly possibly to foment violence at this auspicious Congress to see the NDC disintegrate but they have failed miserably. Oh! God, Oh! God, why should a peaceful NDC congress induce serious headaches and cause earth-like tremors in the camp of the NPP and within national security? Of course they have all developed hypothermia because the carpet is being gradually pulled under their feet and 2008 elections will show them the exit.

This historic congress is a precursor to the main NDC victory which awaits the party in 2008. It is inevitable. The signs are clear. Even the most doubting ‘Thomas’ can see through the horoscope that victory is nigh. But the NDC has to find the right digging implement to cultivate the fertile land which Ghanaians are ready to offer them. This is because their opponents would not give up easily even if it is clear to them that they are swimming against the tide and the wheel of destiny points to their demise.

There is victory in sight and the NDC shall surely rein supreme come 2008.

Source: Democrat