
NDC fever grips Kumasi ahead of Dec. 20 congress

NDC Party Electoral College Two

Mon, 15 Dec 2014 Source: Daily Guide

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has virtually taken over Kumasi, the Ashanti Regional Capital, where it is billed to hold its national delegate's congress.

The NDC congress, which is to elect new national executives to manage the affairs of the party for the next four years, will take place at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium on Saturday, December 20.

With about one week away from the important congress, Kumasi seems to have been taken over by the ruling political party and its numerous followers.

In the last few days, the NDC has become the main topic for dis­cussion in the city. Issues concern­ing the NDC, notably, the upcom­ing congress, are the major topics for radio stations in the city, Radio stations in the city have over the last few days hosted the various contestants and their cam­paign managers on their networks where matters regarding the con­gress have been discussed.

Checks by Daily Guide indi­cated that in markets, banking halls, taxis, churches, mosques and even funerals people could be heard discussing die ruling politi­cal party's upcoming congress in the city.

Aside the discussions, the NDC's colours—green, red, black and white—have emerged strong­ly in the city in recent days as the party's paraphernalia could be seen almost everywhere.

The glaring NDC colours can even give a clue to any first-time visitor to the city that an important activity about the NDC is about to take place in the city.

The various contestants in the polls have also erected their bill­boards at almost all the open places in the city, thereby further creating awareness about the upcoming congress of the party.

Some of them have even placed their billboards in the mid­dle of roundabouts in the city.

The paper learnt that hotel managers and owners have started cashing in on the upcoming NDC congress as party people from across the country have called in advance to book rooms. One hotel manager said on anonymity that almost all the hotels in the city have been booked by NDC faithful from other parts of the country ahead of Saturday's congress.

The NDC congress will see del­egates of die ruling political party from the length and breadth of the country trooping to Kumasi to elect their new leaders. President Mahama and NDC Founder Jerry John Rawlings are expected to attend the congress.

Source: Daily Guide