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NDC making governance difficult because they don’t understand politics - NPP man

Eric Nartey Yeboah (Chairman Dollar)

Fri, 5 May 2023 Source:

The governing New Patriotic Party(NPP) is accusing the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) of making governance difficult while in opposition.

According to the NPP, this is so because the NDC does not understand the rudiments of politics in the country.

The NPP is of the view the NDC in opposition has failed to offer any policy alternatives even in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukraine war.

The Second Vice Chairman of the NPP for the Greater Accra Region, Eric Nartey Yeboah, made this accusation speaking in an interview on the Ghana Yensom morning show hosted by Odeyeeba Kofi Essuman on Accra 100.5 FM on Thursday, May 4, 2023.

He said the NDC has failed on the score of offering policy alternatives to the policies being offered by the NPP to Ghanaians.

He was of the view that NDC's actions are not aiding the nation’s development which is the agenda of the government.

He said a party in opposition is obviously not cut out for the job, adding that if it did it would have offered policy initiatives for Ghanaians to choose from going into the next elections.

"The NDC has instead resorted to the use of mere propaganda when policies are rolled out for the well-being of the people," he argued.

"So it is not surprising to see the NDC reacting to everything the government does with jaundiced eyes," he also said.

He called on the NDC to offer policy alternatives to shape the narratives of nation-building.

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