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NDC must provide evidence of malfeasance -NPP

Mon, 16 Sep 2002 Source: concord

......on bullet proof cars for Kufuor

THE PRESS Secretary of the New Patriotic Party, (NPP) Kwadwo Afari, says the main opposition NDC must furnish the public with proof that the purchase of four bullet-proof cars for the presidency amounted to $500,000.

They must also prove that there was some malfeasance in the purchase of the cars, he believes.

?They should come out and tell us that there is malfeasance in the buying of the vehicle?, Afari said in an interview with the National Concord at the NPP head office in Accra.

He was reacting to allegations by NDC Press Officer, Nestor Hoeyi, that recent allegations by government that ex-President Rawlings had bought four bullet-proof cars was an attempt to cover the purchase of bullet-proof cars at the cost of $500,000 for President Kufuor despite the availability of such cars at the Castle.

?We are Ghanaians and if the presidency thinks they need protection or the presidency thinks they need four bullet-proof cars, is that wrong?? he asked. Earlier, Mr. Ferdinand Ayim, Special Assistant to the Minister of Information had indicated that the issue of the bullet-proof cars is no big deal and that all previous governments in Ghana purchased bullet-proof vehicles during their terms in office.

?As security demands, we bought it for him (President Kufuor). What?s the big deal with this issue?, he asked.

Questioned on the amount involved in the purchase of the vehicles, Ayim said he did not have that information.

?I don?t have it off hand and I am saying that the bullet proof vehicles are not a big deal and that we have had bullet proof vehicles being imported by every government since independence because it is routine?. The President?s security should always be guaranteed, he added.

He alleged that ex-President Rawlings did carry away all the bullet-proof vehicles at the Castle after he left executive office, an allegation sources at the former President?s office say is untrue.

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Source: concord