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NDC will implement manifesto - Mahama

Sun, 26 Oct 2008 Source: GNA

Nkwanta, (VR) Oct. 26, GNA- Mr. John Dramani Mahama, Vice Presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on Saturday said every aspect of the party's manifesto would be implemented to give relief to Ghanaians.

He said, "what we have in our manifesto are not mere platitudes to hoodwink the electorate. We will achieve every aspect of it." Mr. Mahama said those ridiculing the NDC manifesto would be alive to give account of the party's achievements.

Addressing bubbling rallies at parts of the Northern areas on his seven day tour of the Volta Region, Mr Mahama said the NDC government would provide free textbooks to all elementary schools. Free school uniforms would also be provided to pupils in deprived zones of the country.

Some of the places Mr. Mahama toured included Nkonya-Ahenkro, Manya-Tepa, Tokroana, Osramani Banda, Krachi, Dambai Damako, Kpassah and Nkwanta.

Mr. Mahama who earlier toured Brewaniase, Kadjebi, Jasikan, Hohoe, Ve-koloenu and Leklebi said agriculture would be linked to Agricultural training colleges to ensure modernisation of food production and activate increased production while export markets for yams would be found for farmers to give them added income.

The NDC he said would eliminate the Simulus (black flies) that cause Onchociasis.

He said the NDC would be able to implement its Universal Health Insurance Scheme through the payment of one premium for one's lifetime. Mr. Mahama said the 2.5 percent National Health Insurance levy that Ghanaians paid on manufactured goods including toffee would be sufficient to take care of the health needs of the people. He said roads, including that of Kpanchie-Dambai, and Krachi -Damanko-Kadjebi which constructions started in the NDC regime would be completed.

He said the NDC government would build more primary schools while a permanent structure for the Dambai Training College would be constructed.

Mr. Mahama asked the people to vote for the NDC in December 7 elections to ensure quality education and satisfactory reward to the teacher, pupils and students.

He said the NDC would win the election judging from the massive patronage at the rallies and the rousing welcome accorded him and that was the party would not allow any controversy in the election. He asked the people to conduct the election peacefully and to remain vigilant so that their verdict would not to be stolen. Those on the campaign trial with Mr. Mahama included Mrs. Better Amenuvor, National Vice Treasurer and Mr. Kwasi Aboagye, Volta Regional Vice Chairman of the NDC. 26 Oct. 08

Source: GNA