A.B.A Fuseini, MP for Sagnarigu constituency
The Ranking Member Communications Committee of Parliament, Hon. Alhaji A.B.A. Fuseini has denied being a source of a number of posts attributed to him about the reduction in electricity tariffs and comment to the effect the President is unnecessarily pampering consumers.
According to him, nowhere did he state that should the National Democratic Congress (NDC) return to power, they will review the current rates upwards
“I have never at any point granted an interview to nor stated any forum or for the said comments attributed to me I accordingly challenge the author of these fabricated scurrilous and malicious not only to show their true faces but also and more importantly indicate where I am reported to have said this to which medium the on what date”, he said in a statement.
He described the post attributed to him as concocted saying:” It is largely on account of the evil lies of such scoundrels and their insatiable appetite for concocting and peddling falsehood for filthy and morally reprehensible ends that I have voluntarily stayed away from facebook”
Read full text of his rebuttal below
My attention has been drawn to a report authored by a faceless miscreant on facebook to the effect that I am aggrieved by the reduction of electricity tariffs and that the next government of the NDC in 2021 would review the rates upwards.
Let me state with all the force of the truth at my disposal that this is a blatant pathological amateurish lie concocted and peddled by a wicked evil and misguided mind for the purpose of mischief to serve the interest of the desperate incompetent and corruption-ridden government of NanaAkufo Addo.
Let me state for the records that I have never at any point granted an interview to nor stated st any forum or for the said comments attributed to me I accordingly challenge the author of these fabricated scurrilous and malicious not only to show their true faces but also and more importantly indicate where I am reported to have said this to which medium the on what date.
Additionally, it would be very helpful if a copy of the true authentic voice and not a concocted one if ever it exists at all should be aired for the public to properly informed.
I wish to further place on record that as a socialist all my life I have always stood for the supreme interests and aspirations of the masses and accordingly in my work in parliament and in public advocacyI I am known and recognided as having been critical utility tariff hikes especially unfer this visionless N P P government The position I hold on this matter is one of erecting and sustaining a tariff regime that positively discriminates in favour of the poor oppressed and marginalised sections of society which as a social democratic entity my great party N D C shares.
So I clearly cannot espouse such insensitive petty bourgeois elitist standpoint popular with those of the NPP stock.
I believe because I am one of the front line persons holding the feet of this non perform incompetent and corruption-ridden government to the fire of accountability the powers that be in this regime some of its members supporters and surrogates are angry and rattled and accordingly want to get at me even via such an amateurish and shameful concoction.
I accordingly entreat decent well-meaning and discerning patrons of the social media and others to treat these concocted reports as nuisance garbage and treat them with the contempt they deserve Beyond the intent to concoct and peddled these lies to defame malign discredit me and also hope to set the good public against my good self these diabolical write-ups have nothing useful for our society.
It is largely on account of the evil lies of such scoundrels and their insatiable appetite for concocting and peddling falsehood for filthy and morally reprehensible ends that I have voluntarily stayed away from facebook.
I wish to thank my friends and well-wishers who drew my attention to this evil scheme. Let them know that you cannot frighten a chief warrior with a mustache
That is his trademark.I can never be frightened or intimidated into silence by anyone and I mean anyone in human flesh except by the will of ALLAH Almighty to whom only I worship and pay obeisance to.
If these purveyors of lies and evil think by so doing they will silence me or impugn my hard-won image and integrity let them be told they have taken a catastrophic plunge in the deep depths of a river they do not know.
I feel even more energised now than ever before to speak for the great N D C party and for the oppressed marginalized and disadvantaged of our society.
Finally, let these companions of falsehood know that a lie is like a pregnancy the older it grows the more exposed it becomes Every passing minute exposes them for who they are.
When eventually their true emerges they will need no further advertisement of their evil and deceitful character For a man who dies in the market needs no announcement of his demise.
Hon Alhaji A.B.A Fuseini
Ranking Member Communications Committee