
NHIA staff rejoice over the sack of CEO, Dr Annor

NHIA I National Health Insurance Authority (File photo)

Fri, 25 Jan 2019 Source: Agbemeflevo

NHIA management and staff rejoice over the news that their Chief Executive Officer, Dr Annor, has been sacked by the President.

For over 24 months, staff of the Authority have been complaining about the rude and unprofessional management style of the Chief Executive, Dr Annor. They say it was extremely difficult for directors and their deputies to access their own boss.

According to most staff, it would be difficult for any other to effectively step into the big shoes of the former Chief Executive, Sylvester A Mensah, whose friendly and focused approach broke down barriers and his distinctively inclusive management style brought professionalism and individual accountability to a public institution.

They recall weekly management meetings, biannual strategy sessions, performance contracts for directors and performance management systems, annual stakeholder sessions and above all, end of year packages to all staff. The discipline and orderliness that characterized the period before Dr Annor has collapsed. Active membership has declined significantly and utilization has gone down. Public confidence in the scheme has declined and the scheme has gone back several years under Dr Annor.

The name Sylvester Mensah or Chief as they affectionately call him appears to be on the lips of many. They call him the father of Ghana’s NHIA. There appears to be the feeling that it has taken too long for Government to axe Dr Annor as Chief Executive. “He was too partisan and vindictive for no reason” said one staff. Several dismissed staff are currently in court with the NHIA. There is however anxiety about his replacement. It is speculated that Dr Baba Dzane-Selby who is a Deputy Chief Executive in charge of operations is to act as CEO until government finds a better replacement.

“The NHIA is too significant to be placed in the hands of insufficient persons” said another staff.

Source: Agbemeflevo