
NMC, NCA must control media coverage of politics after elections - Akosa

Radio Microphone

Fri, 28 Feb 2014 Source: XYZ

Prof Agyeman Badu Akosa has proposed a political season of just six months before any general election in Ghana.

He said outside the 6-month political window, the National Media Commission (NMC) and the National Communications Authority (NCA) must craft measures to control political discussions and writings in the electronic and print media.

“Discussions with the National Media Commission and Communications Authority would agree on what percentage space would be allotted to politics during the off-season. Political debates on purely partisan bases would be given very low coverage. However, discussions and politically divergent views on the state of the nation address and budget presentations shall be encouraged and supported”, Prof Akosa said.

The former Ghana Health Service Director General made the suggestion when he delivered the final of a three-day commemorative lecture in honour of the late J.B. Danquah.

“Mr Chairman, the political season shall be declared six months to the general elections. It is only then that the national newspapers and even the private electronic and print media will be expected to give any prominence in their programming schedule to national politics”, he proposed.

He said programmes of political parties before the political season is opened “will be given very low coverage in the print and electronic media”.

Prof Akosa therefore suggested that political parties “find other ways and mechanisms of reaching their target; their rank and file in their local campaigns and dissemination of information” during the off-season.

“Mr Chair the internet offers such a great opportunity”, he said.

Source: XYZ