
NPP has to take Kwame Pianim seriously - Gen. Mosquito

Johnson Asiedu Nketiah Ndc Chairman

Wed, 27 Feb 2013 Source: peacefmonline

Attempts by members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to rubbish calls by Mr. Kwame Pianim to act "logically" has been thwarted by the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, who believes Mr. Pianim’s call could merit the NPP if given the needed attention.

Kwame Pianim, an elder statesman is on record to have told the Africawatch magazine that the New Patriotic Party needs the courage to confront the 2012 electoral defeat because “it is good for democracy and the nation”. The outspoken politician, business economist and investment consultant also blamed the NPP national executives for exhibiting “intellectual and mental laziness”.

According to him, the party's posture after the 2012 general elections portrays them as a party that is heading towards the wrong direction.

Speaking in an interview with Okay FM, Asiedu Nketia threw his weight behind Mr. Pianim and stated that the failure to heed to his call could gradually disintegrate the NPP in the future. He also alleged that the poor performance of the NPP in the recent election could be linked to failure on the part of NPP leaders to heed to any form of advise.

Mr. Asiedu Nketia followed up with an observation that anytime their own members criticized their party leaders, many were those who were ready to open the armory of invectives on them.

As a staunch member of the National Democratic Congress, Asiedu Nketia revealed that it was natural for him to go on his knees at night and pray to God to permanently instill “complacency” in the camp of the New Patriotic Party.

He maintained that the failure on the part of the NPP to learn from avoidable mistakes urges him to remind God to wrack and ruin them to an extent that they would never be remembered as a party in Ghana.

He also blamed the elders of the New Patriotic Party for deluding themselves in an unreasonable euphoria that they have a specific number of die hard voters to vote for them anytime elections were organized.

Gen. Mosquito cautioned the leaders of the NPP to solve their internal problems, by heeding to calls from Kwame Pianim and Dr. Wereko Brobbey to act “logically”.

"If someone is seriously sick and you are the doctor to operate on him or her to save their life, you have to do it even if that person might feel pain. You don't have to say because there would be severe pain, you wouldn't perform an operation on the fellow to save his or her life. If you fail to act because of pain, the person might die and enter the grave with that same illness," he said.

Source: peacefmonline