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NPP will continue to "bribe" electorate - Jake

Tue, 18 Mar 2003 Source:  

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Administration will continue to ‘bribe’ the Ghanaian electorate and positively influence them if that is what will win the party election after election, says Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey, Minister for Information and Presidential Affairs.

The minister has said at Navrongo that “If building schools, clinics, roads, providing street lights and ensuring the well-being of the people who voted for you means ‘bribing’ them, then what a nice way to ‘bribe’, added Obetsebi-Lamptey who catalogued development projects extended to the area by the ruling party over the past two years.

Introducing the party’s parliamentary candidate for Navrongo Central, J.K. Adda, at a rally at Navrongo on Sunday, Obetsebi-Lamptey referred to allegations by he National Democratic Congress (NDC) that the NPP resorted to ‘vote-buying’ and ‘bribery’ in the recent by-elections.

He disclosed, “All the things they say are true because if keeping your election promise amounts to vote buying, then we have been buying votes and shall continue to do so.” The rally was preceded by a three-hour float through the principal streets of Navrongo to officially launch the NPP’s campaign for the by-elections scheduled for Tuesday, March 25.

The late MP, John Setuni Achuliwor, was buried on Saturday after a grand funeral attended by President J.A. Kufour, Ministers of state, Parliamentarians and state functionaries. The minister observed that, notwithstanding what the opponents of the government who merely sit in Accra and expose their ignorance of what is on the ground say, the people of Navrongo, like those in other constituencies in the country who are witnesses to the development oriented nature of the NPP administration, will continue voting for it in elections, whether in a by-election or in a general election.
