
NSS releases pin codes for trained teachers

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Wed, 21 Dec 2022 Source:

Registration for trained teachers to be enrolled for the mandatory one-year national service begins today, Tuesday, 20 December 2022.

This was announced by the National Service Scheme (NSS) when it released PIN codes for trained teachers to be enrolled for the mandatory 1-year national service.

A total of 28,976 PIN codes were released for the enrolment.

A statement by the NSS requested personnel to access their PIN codes from today, with their “respective Index Numbers and Date of birth on the Scheme’s website.”

Personnel are also to “proceed to any Agric Development Bank (ADB) Ltd branch nationwide to make a payment of GHS40.”

Alternatively, “prospective service personnel can pay with MTN Momo,” and pay GHS41.

Registration ends on Monday, 9 January 2023.
