
NUGS - Attack On Gifty Lawson Is Barbaric

Gifty Lawson

Mon, 16 Jan 2012 Source: peacefmonline

The National Union of Ghana Students, NUGS, has noted with grave concern, the alleged molestation of the photo journalist, Gifty Lawson, at the Accra High Court on 12th January, 2012, by operatives of the national security of the state.

The Union wishes to state in no ambiguous and unequivocal terms that the said act was to say the least shameful, irresponsible and undeserving of a country touted as the beacon of hope for the West African sub region and the African continent as a whole as far as democracy is concerned. 12th January, 2012 was a day of shame for press freedom and democracy.

A free and independent media without any fear of brutalities whether by the security services or civilians is very critical for developing and growing our young democracy. The media in Ghana has contributed incalculably to the development of the democracy that we are all enjoying today. It is therefore heinous that any group of people will visit any form of attack on these progressive element of a democratic society such as ours. Any attack on the freedom of the press is deemed subversive oppression and anti democratic for which the students of Ghana will not countenance.

The students of Ghana love the air of freedom in the country and as such are calling on all Ghanaians to ensure that their actions do not jeopardize the peace of this country both present and future. The freedom that we are enjoying today was won at a very high price and as such must be guarded with uncompromising jealousy.

We wish to reiterate the point as has been made by all other progressive forces to the security service and all concerned that press freedom is essential for any democracy to thrive. Indeed without press freedom, it would be near impossible for any democracy to survive in today’s world.

NUGS wishes to call on the President – Prof Evans Atta Mills to as a matter of urgency constitute a committee to investigate the matter and bring the perpetrators of this dastardly act to book to serve as a deterrent to others who may deign to think that they can do anything in this country and go free. This issue deserves the same importance and urgency as the cocaine saga or probably even more important, for without press freedom there will be no democracy.

In conclusion, the National Union of Ghanaian Students is in full support of press freedom and will always champion the course for it. That is what the National Union of Ghana Students stood for over many years, and that is the tradition that NUGS seeks to continue. The National Union of Ghana Students will therefore resist any attempt to stifle press freedom and will always remain on the side of press freedom and democracy.

Source: peacefmonline