Emmanuel Asigri is the CEO of the NYA
The National Youth Authority (NYA) has begun a nationwide consultation to draw the input of the youth, stakeholders and identifiable groups into the country’s National Youth Policy which is being reviewed.
The National Youth Policy is a crucial document that provides general framework for government to engage the youth and other stakeholders in meaningful partnership with the view to rolling out appropriate interventions for youth empowerment and development.
The NYA explained the current policy, drafted in 2010, may not reflect the current development needs of the youth of today due to passage of time and changing societal dynamics.
It is against this background that the government through the NYA is reviewing the policy to address emerging issues affecting the youth in order to reflect the current exigencies of the youth.
On October 22, 2018, a technical committee was set up with representatives from each of the stakeholder organizations to develop a concept paper for the review of the National Youth Policy and make recommendations.
A statement issued Monday by the Chief Executive of the NYA, Emmanuel Asigri, said the team will engage youth stakeholders including the various identifiable youth groups in each region, MMDCEs, and representatives of the various regional houses of chiefs on the changes to be effected to the policy document.
“These regional tours would be climaxed with a national forum to be held in Accra on December 18, 2018, before the final report would be submitted to the supervising Ministry for the necessary considerations,” it said.
The Authority is thus encouraging all and sundry particularly the youth of the country to participate actively in the exercise “geared at putting the youth at the centre of national development agenda”.