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Naba Azoka II appeals to Bawku residents

Wed, 11 Jun 2008 Source: GNA

Bawku (U/E), June 11, GNA - Naba Asigri Abugrago Azoka II, Paramount Chief of the Bawku Traditional Area, on Wednesday appealed to people in the area not to allow the conflict situation undermine farming activities during this farming season.

He made the appeal at a press conference held at his Palace in Bawku, after he had met with the National Peace Council (NPC) members to discuss the road to the Bawku peace process.

He said farmers should be not be hindered from going to their farms to enable them plant for the year.

Naba Azoka II noted that food shortage hit the region last year, when the rains came causing flooding and said what the region needed was more farming this season to augment the loss. He commended President Kufuor for establishing the National Peace Council and promised to cooperate with the Council to bring lasting solution to the conflict in Bawku.

Naba Azoka also appealed to the Paramount Chief of Mampurugu Traditional Area, Nayiri, Naa Bohagu Mahami Abdulai to talk to the Mamprusis in Bawku to also cooperate with the Council so as to free the area of violence.

He described himself as a peacemaker who cherished peace and said that explained why after meeting President Kufuor, he immediately called for a meeting of his 24 divisional and his sub-chiefs and asked them to talk to their subjects to stop any form of violence. He stressed that as a peacemaker, he would continue to cooperate with the NPC and also continue to negotiate with his sub chiefs and other opinion leaders for peace to return to Bawku.

"As a custodian of the Bawku Traditional area, I abhor the destruction of lives and properties", he said and noted the need for all stakeholders involved in the peace initiatives to be fair in the peace process. The NPC, which was set up by the President to help initiate and restore peace in Bawku for the past two weeks had been holding peace talks with the leaders of the feuding factions to find solution to the situation in Bawku.

Source: GNA