
Nana Addo’s Militants Caught

Sat, 9 Oct 2010 Source: The herald

*Secret Document Exposes Why Danquah Institute Was Set Up, Its Vision, Mission, Aims & Objectives*

The Herald has laid hands on a very confidential document which exposes the true identity and intension behind the formation of Danquah Institute (ID) run by a nephew of Nana Akuffo Addo, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Presidential candidate, Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko.

The 6-page secret document obtained from an impeccable source within the NPP reveals that the idea of forming the Institute was simply to churn out propaganda on behalf of the NPP to counteract any negative or positive information coming from its bitterest rival the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Checks carried out by The Herald reveal the setting up of the Institute which is described as a “One Man Army” by party insiders, was proposed by England-educated youths within the NPP, who are mainly the children of senior members of the party. The initial name proposed for the institute was “The Danquah Centre.”

The Managing Editor of the defunct Statesman, Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, currently runs the institute set up in 2007under cloak of an advocacy body and policy think-tank. Gabby’s initial contributions towards forming the institute are not yet known. However, one name which keeps popping up as being very instrumental in its formation is one Perry Okudzeto.

The institute which was very vibrant during the 2008 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections almost became the nerve center, indeed, the war chest of the NPP campaign, towards making Nana Addo, president. The institute planted stories in the media, circulated adverts, churned out polls claiming Nana Addo was going to win the election, and even doled out huge cash to some journalists (names withheld).

With the elections over and Nana Addo defeated, the Institute quickly had to pack out of a house off the plush Switchback Road in Accra, and relocated to the Nyaniba Estates, near Osu -Accra, where it currently operates with Gabby serving as a lone voice Executive Secretary.

Interestingly, while many see Mr. Otchere-Darko as arrogant and whose postures, apart from Nana’s personal flaws which caused him and the NPP the presidency, party people tell The Herald Nana Addo sees things differently. He vociferously tells close associates his “One Touch Victory” prediction would have come through had all else worked ferociously like Gabby.

The institute, in its activities, has chided major policies which the government has argued are to improve on the lots of Ghanaians.

A typical example is the STX affordable housing project to be partly financed by the Ghana government and a Korean company for the security services and other public servants, a project when successfully completed, would have alleviated the huge accommodation problems confronting the police, soldiers, Prisons service, Fire services and others public and civil servants.

Again, the institute took an issue with President Mills’ investment trip to Asia, saying that the government was borrowing too much to improve on the infrastructure of the country.

Below is the secret document detailing the reason behind the setting up of Danquah Institute;



The political climate in the country is changing. By 2008 the electorate would have seen 8 years each of the NDC and the NPP. They would thus be in a position to make a more informed choice. Added to this is the new found conviction of social democracy in the NDC which to the ill-informed and/or disadvantaged would seem an attractive way to run a country.

What this means is that as a party we need to tell our story and even more eloquently so.

The benefits of a system of government which allows for personal initiative and responsibility and is ultimately more sustainable and beneficial to the most important person in the political system- the man on the street, must be juxtaposed against the seeming advantages of greater government intervention that will stifle individual initiative and lead to greater corruption in a way that the people will be left in no doubt about the better of the two.

Even more important we need to be attuned to the mood and thinking of the people.

That of our party members and foot soldiers is just as important and significant.

We need thus an organisation dedicated to this purpose, an organisation that will seek out consistently the tenor of public thinking with respect to not only government policy but also the popularity and electoral viability of the party.

This organisation would also, with the benefit of research findings available to it project the successes of the party whilst defending and where necessary suggesting policy alternatives.


Such a centre as we propose would be known as the Danquah Centre.

The name is chosen because Dr. Danquah is the father of the tradition that the centre will be sworn to preserve and propagate. The spirit and philosophy of the party is owed directly to Dr Danquah and the centre will be dedicated to the ideals of the revered doyen of Ghana politics.

The prime objectives of the centre will be two fold.

The first will be to foster debate within the party. It will organise symposia, lectures, forums and even debates to achieve this end. These will not only tackle differences between the party’s philosophy and that of opposing parties but also those between the various strands of thinking in the party.

An example that comes to mind is the current debate about the number of candidates and the implication for the electoral health of party. In this case the centre will organise a forum to discuss this issue. Invited to present their case will be the champions of all schools of thought to this issue as well as a political expert so members of the party and the general public who will be invited can make up their minds about the issue.

Related to this is the other issue of the timing of the electing congress and even the mode of election of the candidate.

A further way the centre will serve the party in this direction will be to invite aspiring candidates to present their vision for the party and the country and field questions prior to their election. Once again the objective is to ensure members of the party are able to make informed choices.

It will also organise such events in the universities to allow the party present its case to the students.

The universities as the breeding ground for future political activists and voters are very important in the battle for the hearts and minds of the people. More often than not also, university students not only reflect the thinking of the people but also shape it.

Since they come from all over the country, those converted to our course will immediately and cheaply transform into a nationwide campaign network. Attention must be drawn to the 2000 elections when students not only spread the message of change but also served as polling agents often at risk to life and limb.

It is time to fully recapture the universities and other tertiary institutions.

The centre will generally allow the party to discuss contentious issues in a dispassionate and academic way. Experts will be invited to speak in support of the party’s course and field questions from the audience.

These events will be prominently featured in the media so the electorate can appreciate the correctness of our methods.

Secondly the centre will carry out research on behalf of the party. This may be instigated by itself or commissioned by the party. This will allow the party access to scientific data to ensure proper planning and strategising.

The widely held perception of dissatisfaction among party members for instance is an issue that the centre will immediately tackle. Such a research will establish whether the perception is justified, the extent of dissatisfaction, the reasons for it and the ways that this can be handled.

Another issue the centre will tackle is the strength of party structures and their electoral readiness. Regional and constituency branches will be examined to enable the party assess and ready itself not only for this election but all subsequent general and by elections.

The centre will also commission or conduct polls on the popularity of the party and its policies.

The centre itself will be run by a core group of young party members and a skeleton administration staff not only to reduce costs but to ensure maximum effectiveness and focus.


It will be registered and run as a Non-Governmental Organisation. Funding will be solicited from individuals and organisations benevolent to the party, the Danquah Busia tradition and the liberal democratic cause.

Further funding will be gotten from a newsletter that the centre will publish and sell. The newsletter will report on and announce party events, interview party members, executives and ministers, as well as features and articles.

The centre will also publish books on its findings and events to secure further funding to cover its running costs.

The organisation will also seek to build bridges with parties and organisations on the centre right of politics in other countries in Africa and the rest of the world.

We believe that such a centre is not only critical to the running of the party but long overdue in a party that is one of the most democratic in the African continent.


Danquah centre, a Ghanaian not for profit organisation aims to help propagate and entrench the cause of liberal democracy in Ghana.

It is our aim to ensure that the message of political, social and economic freedom is spread, particularly among the nation’s youth, as the best way to ensure sustainable development in the country.

We aim to teach the values of civic responsibility, protect civil liberties and ensure the protection of the individual from an overbearing state.

Our grand objective is to ensure the emergence of an educated and capable generation ready, able and eager to further the noble cause of progress in liberty when national duty beckons.

Aims and objectives

1. To help develop tomorrow’s leaders among today’s youth, committed to the cause of liberal democracy.

2. To provide, for the benefit of the liberal democratic cause, research information to sustain and perpetuate its existence.

3. To originate, suggest and support policies and alternatives consistent with liberal democratic principles.

4. To help entrench liberal democracy as the natural system of Governance in Ghana.


Our vision is of a nation where all opinions are accommodated, where the law is the only regulator of civil behavior, and success is defined only by ability. A progressive nation at

Peace with itself and the world.

Source: The herald