
Need for God's intervention in Bawku conflict - Rev. Asamoah-Prah

Mon, 14 Dec 2009 Source: GNA

Kumasi, Dec. 14, GNA - Reverend Rexford Kwasi Asamoah-Prah, Atonsu District Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG), has appealed= to factions in the Bawku conflict to position themselves in a manner to rece= ive the favour of God for peace to prevail in the area. He said: "There would be no peace without favour from God. Therefore=

the ethnic groups involved in the Bawku conflict should seek God's favour=

during this year's celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ for peace to prevail in the area".

Rev. Asamoah-Prah made the appeal when delivering the sermon at the Atonsu District Choir's Nine Lessons and Carols Night held at Bethel Congregation of Presbyterian Church of Ghana at Atonsu-Gyinyase near Kuma= si. He asked Christians to make this year's Christmas celebration unique= by ensuring that peace prevailed in all conflict areas in the country, their=

communities, in the home and among married couples. Rev. Asamoah-Prah urged members of the choir to use their God-given talents to praise God always and make their lifestyles portray Christiani= ty among them in society.

Source: GNA