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New Wulensi MP Inducted Into Parliament

Tue, 18 Mar 2003 Source:  

The member-elect for Wulensi Constituency, Wumbei K. Karimu was formally inducted into Parliament on Tuesday. The new member won the last by-election held on March 4, 2003 by 8,552 votes beating his main rival, National Democratic Congress (NDC) candidate Mr John Sadaan Njigur, who had 7,444 votes.

The seat was declared vacant following the disqualification of the former MP, Mr Samuel Nyimakan by a Tamale High Court.

Mr Freddy Blay, First Deputy Speaker, who presided, administered the oath of the MP. Mr Karimu was then led to his seat by the Marshall.

The new member sits on the same row with fellow new members who also made their entry into the House through by-elections.

They are Dominic Nitiwul who replaced Dr Mohammed Ibn Chambas who resigned his Bimbila seat to take up the post of Secretary-General of ECOWAS and Yaw Baah, who won the Kumawu after the death of Mr Bosoa.
